2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:20:51 by horowitz here's the fbi they broke
@00:23:46 horowitz was appointed by barack obama


@00:18:12 you have andrew mccabe its deputy
@00:27:59 director of the fbi mccabe was read in


@00:01:09 rogers being admiral mike rogers durham
@00:01:34 with durham and we see over here this
@00:17:53 looking at durham to hold people
@00:26:12 attorney john durham put out that


@00:21:39 mccain understood president obama's


@00:04:35 director while dismissing brennan and
@00:17:24 out why brennan went to harry reid in


@00:18:07 obviously james comey signed the warrant
@00:28:03 of the fbi james comey was rated and


@00:20:15 releasing things like indictments and

William Barr

@00:16:16 we were talking about bar getting
@00:19:44 prior to barr dirham huber releases be
@00:26:10 attorney general bill bar and us


@00:00:48 nine we get a twitter status two woke
@00:05:01 what now we get a twitter status - the
@00:05:45 verified twitter knucklehead he's busy
@00:16:57 7:00 we get a twitter status to methods
@00:17:00 on twitter who's also becoming a bit of
@00:20:31 33 44 we get a twitter status right here
@00:23:10 twitter status to ted cruz right yeah

Inspector General

@00:23:34 fbi the inspector general report details
@00:23:45 by the way the inspector general michael
@00:23:50 example the inspector general uncovered
@00:25:03 the inspector general report also talks


@00:02:45 the fisa court judge rosemary collier
@00:06:36 fisa really seemed to be a turning point
@00:08:47 by chairman graham regarding senate fisa
@00:16:43 fisa hearings and witnesses well he
@00:17:36 look long and hard at fisa abuse we're
@00:19:08 fisa into this impeachment debacle - my
@00:23:17 fisa report is a stunning indictment of
@00:23:42 doj and the fbi made to the fisa court
@00:24:59 fisa court to get a wiretap by the way


@00:19:44 prior to barr dirham huber releases be