Beware Of The Red Swan And Negative Interest Rates - Episode 1359a

from X22Report



@00:04:24 know that china has been creating their
@00:04:30 know that china over the many years have
@00:05:01 huge amount of debt yes china is inhuman
@00:05:18 and we can see that if china or when
@00:05:20 china decides to stop investing in the
@00:07:10 impulse coming from china now if they
@00:07:39 is that china and their debt has grown
@00:08:19 a return this is what china has been
@00:08:52 china right now realizes this and they
@00:09:01 benefit china it's going to benefit all
@00:12:26 china is pulling back we're going to see