deleted Social Media Don't Get Mad or Get Even Own it!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:37:24 yeah and japan and china


@00:21:50 i think that will help dr. epstein
@00:21:52 robert epstein yeah yeah i mean they can

William Barr

@00:04:32 the search bar


@00:17:53 check my shadow vana on twitter things
@00:24:02 that's a twitter term shadow man where
@00:24:09 retweets on twitter that could be
@00:25:00 been caught on camera twitter ranking
@00:25:02 and twitter regulates its content by
@00:25:14 says twitter is trying to ban a certain
@00:25:36 twitter can also apparently dig into its
@00:25:52 issue that came up is assange s twitter
@00:26:07 trump himself has had his twitter post
@00:26:10 news of twitter he's had his post d
@00:31:35 i started talking on twitter about a


@00:11:14 flynn coined the phrase as far as i know


@00:29:11 definitive proof a lot of times people
@00:29:18 this is the definitive proof and now