Qanon - the (((Assassination))) of John F Kennedy - July 4th 2019 Return of the King

from Bill Smith News



@00:00:17 assassination of john f kennedy has been
@00:00:58 john f kennedy gets shot in the head he
@00:01:26 john f kennedy now we didn't build any
@00:01:29 memorials to john f kennedy in this
@00:01:40 the yad kennedy now i'm going to show
@00:02:02 chopped it down okay john f kennedy was
@00:02:12 kennedy shea
@00:05:09 this is in the kennedy files and this
@00:05:31 this is a quote from john f kennedy in
@00:05:59 made that's john f kennedy summer 1945
@00:06:06 john f kennedy assassination was there
@00:07:38 that the kennedy assassination would be
@00:08:13 get nukes after john f kennedy was
@00:09:53 is called the yad kennedy right
@00:09:54 the yad kennedy and that's the hebrew
@00:10:20 killed kennedy to accomplish all this
@00:10:27 is called the yad kennedy but it's not
@00:10:38 point this out okay kennedy was no no
@00:11:06 documents about the kennedy
@00:12:15 take care of kennedy subject expressed
@00:12:28 the same kennedy collection it's all out
@00:12:49 kennedy was assassinated about a year
@00:12:57 ties tied into john f kennedy juniors
@00:13:10 i've been tracking the the kennedy
@00:13:11 assassination and they the kennedy
@00:13:17 disinformation kennedy movie from the