[12.22] SPACE FORCE! - Tic Tacs - UFOs in the Mainstream - The REAL Reasons Govt. Keeps UFOs Secret
uploaded on Dec 22, 2019
@00:12:25 from like china or russia or something
Las Vegas
@00:09:20 in las vegas that's where george knapp
Deep state
@00:01:15 know that there is a deep state a new
@00:02:13 the shit out of the deep state so it
@00:02:23 deep states fake corporate media lying
@00:02:42 if the deep state is using the idea of
@00:02:56 deep state from the exposure of more
@00:05:37 being done by deep state connected ngos
@00:07:07 with that ngo deep state siop limited
@00:13:18 government i would say the deep state
@00:13:49 the energy equation some deep state
@00:14:02 government of the deep state is
@00:16:10 then he's gonna continue toeing the deep
@00:16:13 state limited hangout line okay i really