I discuss a Minneapolis Dirty Bomb?! Building the Gallows for traitors!

from TRUreporting



@00:10:45 michael horowitz he's been investigating


@00:02:36 states that mccomb e mccabe the susan
@00:07:19 why mccabe lawyered up why comey
@00:13:40 james comey andy mccabe yates rod
@00:14:09 us that fbi director mccabe an fbi agent


@00:09:51 he's in mccain has got major problems


@00:08:10 shocker gallows being built uranium one


@00:08:16 section in iran stuff is beyond


@00:02:32 unequivocally states that comey it
@00:07:19 why mccabe lawyered up why comey
@00:13:38 in on this comey
@00:13:40 james comey andy mccabe yates rod


@00:08:45 thousand sealed indictments now of which

Military tribunals

@00:08:28 is going to be military tribunals for

Deep state

@00:04:00 desperate they're the deep state is
@00:19:02 desperation the deep state is grasping

false flag

@00:17:18 i'm telling you is that these this false
@00:17:21 flag today could pop very well happened

Inspector General

@00:08:01 inspector general ig report unbelievable
@00:10:42 to introduce you to inspector general


@00:02:49 article and took it to the fisa court
@00:02:52 the fisa court gave them warrant to tap
@00:03:00 it not easy to get a fisa warrant very
@00:03:09 spy to get a fisa warrant they have to
@00:03:12 think you're aspire to get a fisa
@00:10:23 they knew was fake to obtain a fisa