QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:06:43 inspector general michael horowitz over
@00:06:57 changed meadows told horowitz those 302s
@00:10:11 horowitz well the fbi yeah it's crazy


@00:09:46 two which is andy mccabe strock and page
@00:10:37 number two james comey andy mccabe larry


@00:22:09 summit summit in china in early


@00:00:36 distract ig report hearings korea iran
@00:01:48 distraction iran next regime in trouble
@00:02:04 ongoing with iran with the iranian
@00:02:23 regime change i think for iran it's like


@00:26:24 crowdstrike is exactly why crowdstrike
@00:26:35 i'm gonna go over the whole crowdstrike
@00:26:45 crowdstrike is gonna and and seth rich
@00:27:16 it's headed to crowdstrike and seth rich
@00:28:23 russia okay this is what crowdstrike was
@00:28:30 crowdstrike did the report a crowdstrike
@00:28:42 crowdstrike


@00:10:37 number two james comey andy mccabe larry


@00:02:11 twitter a lot of the iranian american
@00:02:13 people are on twitter using queueing on
@00:13:16 do you see facebook twitter google
@00:22:54 facebook ads and twitter bots oh sure
@00:29:07 a person on on twitter
@00:34:18 i'm all over twitter it's pretty funny
@00:35:54 twitter picture okay here it is so i

Seth Rich

@00:11:58 other people are saying it means seth
@00:12:00 rich it makes no sense to me like obama
@00:12:04 white house seth rich staffer on record
@00:12:09 believe that you know seth rich is is
@00:26:45 crowdstrike is gonna and and seth rich
@00:27:16 it's headed to crowdstrike and seth rich
@00:27:38 it look oh my god you guys leads - seth
@00:27:42 rich joon eta and then this anon says
@00:27:46 his name was seth rich this is what its

false flag

@00:00:19 june 20th 1570 says false flag prevented
@00:00:50 that's false flag prevented couple of a
@00:01:10 supposed to be a false flag i don't know
@00:03:22 subway was that the false flag a power
@00:04:17 know what the false flag was at this you

Inspector General

@00:05:34 submitted to the inspector general to to
@00:06:43 inspector general michael horowitz over
@00:09:14 inspector general it's crazy it's crazy


@00:28:12 the 702 being the fisa warrant the 302s


@00:07:30 were changed in the flynn situation and
@00:08:40 investigation to nail flynn why was that
@00:09:30 please go flynn pleading guilty this is
@00:09:33 post number 12 86 on github so flynn
@00:09:55 in the flynn situation there all right