deleted 11.19.19 - Trump Poisoned?, Dems Mutiny over IM Peach mints - Part 1

from Dustin Nemos



@00:14:46 this particular article china demands us
@00:15:11 china likes to patrol around taiwan you
@00:15:18 of china for all time they're surrounded
@00:16:05 giant china army in military and
@00:16:11 my wife's family that fled from china
@00:16:31 many of the different peoples from china
@00:17:00 of china any more than hong kong does
@00:17:04 have no chance in hell of beating china
@00:17:09 china have been dealing with a lot more
@00:17:13 china really starts to push on its edge
@00:18:20 but china said it would not tolerate
@00:18:31 taiwan and china have that interesting
@00:18:33 relationship of course china wants to
@00:18:38 of their overall one china policy no
@00:18:47 their right that's what china did
@00:18:52 china you should go through us first
@00:19:12 college students and such for china that
@00:19:15 spy on other chinese students for china
@00:19:20 china for things like you say here when
@00:19:27 know i don't go to china i'm afraid to
@00:19:28 go to china i've seen what happens to
@00:19:30 people like me if they go to china i
@00:19:42 you know she's afraid to go to china as
@00:19:45 well and all i've ever heard of china
@00:19:57 culture of of china right and everyone
@00:20:06 like that and and i get that that china
@00:20:30 china was to become very wealthy from
@00:20:37 in china is easy if they ever became
@00:20:44 and while we're on the topic of china i
@00:21:01 bank run which has happened in china


@00:24:42 you draw a map you're gonna see a lot of


@00:10:48 epstein i guess or raping young women
@00:10:56 jeffrey epstein no lie so upside down
@00:24:15 epstein that involved former democrat
@00:24:30 epstein or on his island or or are
@00:27:15 the world epstein prison guards tell the
@00:27:21 charges against epstein prison guards
@00:29:00 epstein in crowder's body which is his
@00:29:03 head right so it was epstein behind the


@00:34:30 this is from bill tufts on twitter

Seth Rich

@00:08:39 dnc we know that seth rich did it or
@00:08:41 someone else did it probably seth rich
@00:08:56 other than seth rich it could have been
@00:10:04 what seth rich did presumably that


@00:11:40 damn pervert he's a freaking pedophile
@00:24:13 go on convicted pedophile jeffrey


@00:18:43 north america policy in mexico and


@00:06:02 fast-forward cheng huber actually named