The [CB] System Is Unravelling, Trapped By Their Own Debt - Episode 1939a

from X22Report



@00:05:57 might not make a trade deal with china
@00:06:12 with china with these tariffs what
@00:06:16 china self-destructs corporations move
@00:06:22 out of china maybe into other countries
@00:06:41 doesn't want china to have a gorm
@00:06:44 china is trying to hold out they're
@00:06:55 china they're hoping that everything

Deep state

@00:05:25 deep state have been doing to this
@00:06:52 certain deep state operatives within
@00:07:03 the deep state
@00:09:18 the central bank the deep state they


@00:08:02 proof of this just go back to say 1984