Road to Justice Post Blockade Removal- Q Anon Map Right Again!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:13:33 mccabe page tax q showing us that length

William Barr

@00:04:43 tonight admitting it now that bar put
@00:05:24 here top them says attorney general bar
@00:07:35 general bar on fbi doj officials who

Deep state

@00:08:00 puppets that are working for the deep
@00:08:02 state that is what this is all about


@00:09:10 people this is a twitter account that
@00:09:13 the name of the twitter account includes
@00:10:39 twitter i don't have the account in
@00:11:00 people at foxnews are quoting twitter

Inspector General

@00:16:39 then the office of inspector general

Pizza gate

@00:11:55 of mega pizza gate get it normies they
@00:12:02 people because this pizza gate is about
@00:12:36 never mentioned pizza gate even once and

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:08 you know sue it saudi arabia all the