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@00:08:20 then it says mccabe aware of additional
@00:08:35 mccabe finding out


@00:01:20 interests keep high uranium one fbi


@00:02:52 comey dismissed letter number two i
@00:03:41 by james comey and then this paragraph
@00:04:54 comey firing is part of an inquiry of
@00:07:17 recommendation of james comey right so
@00:07:50 says james comey dismisses hillary
@00:10:20 comey reopens hillary clinton
@00:10:26 october 28th right james comey issues


@00:01:23 informant awan debbie wasserman-schultz

Seth Rich

@00:08:06 then it says seth rich murdered on the


@00:09:49 fisa warrant issued to spy on carter
@00:10:03 criminals you have this second fisa


@00:01:36 what happened anthony scalia was killed
@00:01:39 the supreme court justice anthony scalia
@00:02:46 anthony scalia 187 hrc hillary hillary
@00:05:28 anthony scalia 187 then it goes through
@00:05:56 today oddly enough it says scalia 187 so
@00:06:02 scalia was killed and that was on