A Dream - Don't Get off the Trump Train

from prayingmedic



@00:07:18 east okay people like john mccain all
@00:07:22 right mccain is not criticizing trump
@00:07:24 mccain is supporting trump because
@00:07:26 mccain is an old-school senator who he
@00:07:34 favors warm so mccain and people like


@00:28:11 china has to deal with kim jong-un of
@00:29:43 way that china has to find a way to
@00:29:56 between good relationships between china


@00:09:45 they're on twitter they're on facebook

false flag

@00:04:54 was it really assad was it a false flag

North Korea

@00:28:16 north korea and his attempts to spool up
@00:29:47 neutralize the threat of north korea
@00:29:54 north korea and syria are standing
@00:31:26 with these these issues like north korea