deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

from prayingmedic



@00:23:29 pompeyo trust horowitz ig reports are


@00:20:40 involves loretta lynch mccabe peter


@00:03:17 iran north korea uranium one fbi
@00:03:50 interest high uranium one wouldn to keep


@00:00:33 likely involve syria and iran i was
@00:03:17 iran north korea uranium one fbi


@00:22:59 being rounded up in drug trafficking and


@00:02:17 seeking on james comey and some other
@00:20:49 comey and a lot of others this is a


@00:22:53 economically there were indictments


@00:03:01 coming out we have sessions being
@00:04:18 come to an end if sessions goes out and
@00:20:30 sessions chris ray and us attorney john
@00:23:21 sent to jeff sessions chris ray and john

Deep state

@00:15:07 rogue agents and the deep state alright
@00:15:59 the 17th yesterday so the deep state is
@00:19:35 the deep state that a strike is coming
@00:19:45 warning a threat to the deep state to


@00:00:12 thread on twitter yesterday and i didn't


@00:06:32 said was talking about the parkland


@00:13:24 pedophile but the flight that dershowitz
@00:13:42 accused her of being a pedophile they
@00:13:53 has never been proven to be a pedophile
@00:13:57 he would have a pedophile on his team so
@00:14:07 convinced that dershowitz is a pedophile
@00:14:13 pedophile alright so that is the context

Inspector General

@00:03:35 inspector general report coming out that

North Korea

@00:03:17 iran north korea uranium one fbi
@00:11:03 his fire and fury speech about north
@00:11:06 korea and the missiles so q is telling
@00:11:12 north korea a missile launch right again
@00:21:25 north korea to talk with kim jong-un


@00:03:06 seals being broken arrests why was huber
@00:23:24 huber and cue of course said trust
@00:23:32 coming trust huber he's involved in all

Saudi Arabia

@00:06:03 saudi arabia united arab emirates and