Qanon 6-11-19: Daniele Bodini's NYC Helicopter Crash Covers Up Italian Spy Ring (Sidley Austin)

from Bill Smith News


Deep state

@00:08:59 after a country used by obama deep state


@00:00:34 twitter when i reached out to you you
@00:01:30 released that video i lost my twitter
@00:01:45 twitter okay so i showed you something
@00:01:48 on twitter in my own direct messages
@00:01:52 you those things twitter said get the


@00:01:15 of why he's got pedophile symbolism on

Five Eyes

@00:04:14 attention you heard a lot about five
@00:04:15 eyes spying and now you're starting to
@00:07:42 the five eyes spying and then you figure
@00:08:09 five eyes and italy is not part of the
@00:08:12 five eyes collaboration but they are a
@00:08:14 part of the 14 eyes intelligence
@00:08:19 so the five eyes are the ones you know
@00:08:29 another five after that so let me just
@00:08:38 agencies here's the nine eyes it's