U.S. Military Assets Are Now PrePositioned For The Upcoming War - Episode 690

from X22Report



@00:26:46 they're getting ready to encircle china
@00:37:54 china they're doing whatever they
@00:37:59 china they don't want the yuan renminbi


@00:33:45 iran we know the united states
@00:36:24 we see in iran during the p5 plus one
@00:37:07 30 years telling us that iran is going

Red Cross

@00:28:44 of the red cross has warned of a

William Barr

@00:19:30 care system peter maybre may bar duke

false flag

@00:39:15 this is a false flag event they've been

North Korea

@00:26:50 and north korea and this is why we see

Saudi Arabia

@00:29:01 their proxy for saudi arabia they keep
@00:34:54 about cluster bombs and saudi arabia is