deleted Qanon November 16, 2019 - The Harvest

from prayingmedic



@00:00:21 online you can also find them on q map
@00:00:36 cube map app are pulling current q posts


@00:00:46 some coded messages between james comey
@00:04:04 james comey tweeted this out millions of
@00:04:45 this morning comey tweeted this message
@00:04:57 secretary of state so comey here is
@00:09:00 a month ago this is october 13th comey
@00:09:11 anyway i think comey was giving a go

William Barr

@00:01:34 attorney general bill bar the authority
@00:01:47 documents from bar new news to receive a
@00:02:02 information from bar let me roll this
@00:02:45 person named william bar and he's doing
@00:03:50 declassified from bar so that same day
@00:06:08 william bar was confirmed by the senate

Deep state

@00:05:21 believe the deep state has been prepared
@00:05:43 reference to these deep state people who
@00:06:37 is coming where the deep state rats are
@00:07:24 certainly true the deep state has always
@00:08:20 deep state is moving to star wars q


@00:03:58 of an ear of corn on twitter corn ready