Is DHS Preparing For The Economic Collapse And Martial Law? -- Episode 248

from X22Report



@00:25:23 treasury bonds we see china making a
@00:26:30 china is there and us is being evacuated
@00:26:34 china just said they want their workers
@00:26:39 china and the us if you really want to
@00:26:42 call it china is backing the rebels the
@00:26:47 now china is pumping in billy
@00:26:55 the clearinghouse of the yuan and china
@00:27:17 china national petroleum corporation
@00:27:47 goes on to say that china which has a
@00:28:00 china is highly concerned about the

false flag

@00:02:04 it has to do with false flag the
@00:02:07 upcoming false flag fema camps war and a
@00:22:02 these false flag events are inside jobs
@00:34:42 false flag event what it will be we do