Is Operation DEFENDER EUROPE 20 A Military Exercise Or MUCH MORE?
from JustInformed Talk ™️
uploaded on Mar 15, 2020
@00:18:24 epstein and and so on
Human trafficking
@00:18:07 trafficking guns trafficking human
@00:18:09 trafficking
@00:18:10 more specifically sex trafficking of you
@00:19:16 been facilitating human trafficking and
@00:19:18 sex trafficking of adults and kids drug
@00:19:22 trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:29:02 for corruption drug trafficking weapons
@00:29:05 trafficking human trafficking sex
@00:29:07 trafficking all of that if you do wrong
@00:25:43 can come find me over here on twitter at
false flag
North Korea
@00:21:31 on maybe you will listen now north korea