deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:32:59 that tempered china rejects us blackmail
@00:33:02 all right hmm china a chinese official
@00:33:09 ministry spokesman is saying that china

Human trafficking

@00:15:22 did you hear the term trafficking or
@00:15:24 human trafficking or child trafficking
@00:17:26 he's moving us toward human trafficking


@00:05:04 iran could maybe arrest the guy and then
@00:33:40 think he did that iran is begging trump
@00:36:17 don't know that was iran i'm sorry so


@00:14:28 break up a child sex trafficking ring
@00:14:53 immigration child sex trafficking
@00:14:56 immigration sex trafficking situation is
@00:15:02 pushing this child sex trafficking thing
@00:15:16 tag and trafficking you are an
@00:15:22 did you hear the term trafficking or
@00:15:24 human trafficking or child trafficking
@00:16:25 really going after the trafficking a lot
@00:17:01 bad actors bad actions child trafficking
@00:17:26 he's moving us toward human trafficking
@00:17:28 and child sex trafficking as a commonly
@00:19:36 this trafficking stuff and united all


@00:03:12 and you know comey coming out with this


@00:25:12 apparently involved with the awan


@00:08:55 recently asked trump to fire sessions

William Barr

@00:22:07 i'm gonna send the candy bar for her
@00:22:12 bar day one

Deep state

@00:15:53 is that just like with the deep state
@00:16:33 the deep state or something to that
@00:16:56 proof that they are not deep statement
@00:16:59 is that they are revealing deep state
@00:17:19 has made the deep state like i said a


@00:11:10 twitter actually started to say well i


@00:25:04 parkland shooter an ar-15 do you believe

Mass arrests

@00:18:52 is a prelude to mass arrests this is a

Pizza gate

@00:18:56 this is a prelude to pizza gate this is
@00:19:00 pizza gate all of the people who

Time machine

@00:41:13 lot of time researching stuff if you can
@00:41:19 house on autocad or whatever machine
@00:41:49 be wasting any the machine will be
@00:41:50 perfect every time with its cuts just


@00:08:05 political hits in mexico okay so the


@00:08:14 hits just in my opinion no proof
@00:16:56 proof that they are not deep statement