deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

from prayingmedic



@00:14:51 text messages between edger mccabe


@00:10:12 everything up when he went over to china


@00:09:35 they're gonna be all over the map you're


@00:33:59 going on in iran right now what's your
@00:34:01 take on the situation in iran okay well
@00:34:11 revolution going on in iran well the
@00:34:40 iran now a lot of people will say oh
@00:34:42 iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yes
@00:34:46 facilities one in iran and one in
@00:35:09 plan toward denuclearizing iran after
@00:35:40 what's wrong with iran and syria and i


@00:24:01 james comey and and john john brennan


@00:14:54 loretta lynch comey obama hillary
@00:15:54 james comey and julian assange and last
@00:16:24 james comey and mark warner pretty much
@00:17:07 comey wanted was anyone talking about
@00:24:01 james comey and and john john brennan
@00:31:23 thing comey lynch holder obama hillary


@00:21:41 sealed indictments yeah up to 35 but i
@00:23:42 be the targets of all these indictments
@00:32:20 unseal a couple thousand indictments and


@00:33:34 deal i hope you're right about the awan


@00:31:55 in utah it de sessions has told us for a

Deep state

@00:08:30 state and the deep state was in there
@00:08:53 whatever kind of deep state remnants
@00:10:40 probably a lot of deep state propaganda


@00:37:12 we've been linked together on on twitter
@00:39:33 threads on twitter i post links to

Seth Rich

@00:17:41 from seth rich seth rich downloaded the
@00:18:38 russia that it was actually seth rich
@00:18:42 what happened to seth rich so yeah
@00:19:20 seth rich you know so yeah well qsr said
@00:19:29 those ms-13 guys who hit seth rich


@00:24:36 like the the the weather underground and

Inspector General

@00:15:23 the inspector general report and these

North Korea

@00:05:19 that have been hitting us with north
@00:05:20 korea executive orders what's going on
@00:07:30 was coming with north korea welcome q is
@00:07:32 he was talking about north korea in
@00:07:36 einon north korea you know i think
@00:07:46 north korea been hearing now despite
@00:08:14 those people when it comes to north
@00:08:15 korea where many on on the don't i don't
@00:08:25 been telling me frank that north korea
@00:08:55 were in north korea were now gone and
@00:09:15 are showing that north korea is ramping
@00:09:42 wait and see i would not throw north
@00:09:45 korea out yet my prediction is that
@00:09:48 we'll have a fully denuclearize north
@00:09:50 korea at a peace agreement we'll have an
@00:09:53 embassy in pyongyang north korea will be
@00:10:28 north korea that kim weeks ago destroyed
@00:34:33 agreement with north korea trump is


@00:31:52 arrested at once john huber us attorney
@00:31:59 long time john huber and his staff of


@00:16:41 technological the proof or evidence that

Saudi Arabia

@00:02:45 that person what are they doing in saudi
@00:02:46 arabia how is it connected why is it