Why Did 6 Dems Send Letter to WH Counsel On Q Anon Hatch Act Violation?

from Truth and Art TV



@00:10:20 u.s. charges state-owned china 2025 tech


@00:23:09 absolutely then q shows us a map from
@00:23:26 extremely detailed map of the 2016
@00:23:51 very very interesting map and then q
@00:24:47 this is another variety of that map and
@00:25:11 that same map unbelievable stuff i'm one
@00:25:25 unbelievers of shocking map people


@00:10:51 attorney general jeff sessions is
@00:28:00 general sessions potus prioritizing the


@00:09:49 look at a to more headlines twitter
@00:09:58 the same twitter that takes out
@00:18:45 twitter they want to remove these beams
@00:25:38 judiciary twit twitter page today
@00:26:33 and finally q shows us two twitter links