deleted 2.9-10th.19 - Q.ue Makes an Appearance

from Dustin Nemos



@00:16:16 uranium deal in favor of russia


@00:09:59 hotel potential child trafficking or

William Barr

@00:16:09 going after whittaker right bar at
@00:16:11 william bar and 2017 doj abdicating its
@00:16:24 some hope in this william bar character
@00:17:49 mueller or removal 1 - for removal bar
@00:17:54 install bar with whitaker review
@00:18:32 hope bar with whitaker will pull
@00:18:47 integrity sources and methods etc bar
@00:19:02 whitaker remain doj senior staff bar
@00:20:20 bar and whitaker in regard to


@00:11:09 twitter pushed queuing on and other
@00:11:54 twitter was big for a while facebook was
@00:14:04 in terms of how twitter is suffering
@00:14:11 twitter i think is covering up some of

North Korea

@00:20:37 with north korea leads to


@00:31:46 mkultra was about how do we manipulate
@00:33:53 that's just kind of the mkultra working


@00:10:12 leaks in regard to huber zero that's a
@00:10:30 zero leaks in regarding huber zero do
@00:19:05 meeting huber and oig oh i g report so
@00:20:22 declassification and sc report huber etc