QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:08:22 know the next one is china chung ling
@00:12:45 washes out it's a it's a city in china


@00:11:03 the us uranium one cash flow funnel


@00:21:46 epstein is gonna be like oh here they go


@00:04:31 fbi director james comey which you know


@00:05:41 report sessions public attack robberies

William Barr

@00:01:33 and he gives us cnn about roseanne barr


@00:04:05 gate push bot push on twitter
@00:04:14 know if she was on twitter so okay so
@00:13:48 twitter and he tells us to listen
@00:13:53 to that on twitter it's the whole you
@00:17:06 you the link to to the twitter as well
@00:17:08 right that's right here twitter and eh
@00:21:25 twitter push cia he's doing the twitter

Pizza gate

@00:03:43 question hey jack no pizza gate bought
@00:04:02 they're so you can expect possibly pizza
@00:04:05 gate push bot push on twitter
@00:21:36 they're gonna be doing the pizza gate
@00:21:48 with the stupid pizza gate theory again


@00:08:13 mkultra since a young girl she's got to
@00:08:15 be mkultra sex slave and really feel


@00:05:48 warrants arrests huber you know all the