deleted Dr. Stell@ Immanuel Needs to Replace F@uci ASAP

from dnajlion7



@00:11:07 of a covid 19 cure

Deep state

@00:01:48 all the misinformation that the deep
@00:01:50 state has been pushing about cobit 19
@00:13:30 would cut right through the deep state
@00:13:32 and yes i know the deep state's going to


@00:02:05 twitter youtube google they've all taken
@00:07:44 youtube uh google facebook twitter
@00:10:13 censored off of twitter so we got a new
@00:10:35 twitter has now partially suspended
@00:10:50 powell files a lawsuit against twitter
@00:10:56 twitter
@00:11:04 twitter is making a big push to silence
@00:12:43 even if you don't have a twitter account
@00:12:45 create a twitter account