NATO Is Now Supplying AWACS Support In the Middle East - Episode 1014b

from X22Report



@00:10:31 out in the pacific the south china sea
@00:10:39 been provoking china and we can see
@00:10:46 try to provoke china a little bit at a
@00:11:23 east china sea so they locked on created
@00:11:27 this incident and blamed it on china and

William Barr

@00:07:13 bar for one and how they could spy on


@00:03:14 at twitter looking at facebook looking

false flag

@00:02:46 a false flag they had to get into the
@00:04:03 the orlando false flag at the pulse
@00:04:07 nightclub we know this was a false flag
@00:04:14 showing us that this was totally a false
@00:04:17 flag event the fbi has now ordered a
@00:04:23 the suspected false flag event according
@00:05:33 truth and it wasn't a false flag they'd
@00:09:41 a fact that this was a false flag we
@00:24:10 the false flag occur and we're going to
@00:24:13 see more of these false flags as we go

Saudi Arabia

@00:14:00 efforts with saudi arabia since the
@00:14:06 saudi arabia russia has stepped in and