WI Pedophile Ring Smashed, Vatican Promoting Homosexuality, New Q Drops

from dnajlion7



@00:16:39 link and you can pledge any monthly map


@00:01:00 child sex trafficking operation in
@00:01:06 in connection with a sex trafficking


@00:14:17 comey we never thought that she would
@00:14:23 ago james comey if you read the ig
@00:14:26 report it's discovered that james comey
@00:14:41 comey doesn't want to have his security

William Barr

@00:12:59 first bomb a friend of bill bar bill bar
@00:13:32 you can actually put bill bar b i ll be
@00:13:36 a b i ll be a our our bill bar so that's
@00:13:45 8 so you can put 8 into bill bar and
@00:14:03 barr was always the one that was being

Deep state

@00:11:07 taking down these deep state actors that


@00:10:48 twitter he just put up a new banner look
@00:11:48 and this goes to enopp who's a twitter


@00:00:54 is another victory of satanic pedophile
@00:01:54 involved in this particular pedophile
@00:02:34 pedophile the vatican invested upwards

Inspector General

@00:14:32 questions from the inspector general