deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - Follow the Pen

from prayingmedic



@00:16:59 of those who are the loudest brennan
@00:17:02 john brennan the former head clown when
@00:17:15 campaign brennan couldn't resist
@00:17:57 he's won i think brennan is close to


@00:23:19 sessions and dan coates who's the

Deep state

@00:16:51 deep state doesn't want released what do
@00:23:42 a dream where i watched as a deep state


@00:10:34 twitter timeline it's i think it just
@00:15:39 link to jim jordans twitter status and
@00:18:14 old twitter status from donald trump
@00:18:36 twitter sent me links to a couple of

Inspector General

@00:23:09 justice inspector general to look into