In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:08:39 to the map ii map like i always love to
@00:08:44 to this map here and we were talking


@00:01:02 same location where did the uranium one
@00:01:20 foreign state supplied uranium to react
@00:01:23 iran or syria war what does the uranium
@00:01:59 plus uranium 1 connection where does he
@00:03:34 ability to enrich uranium the vital
@00:03:54 eight tons of low enriched uranium the
@00:04:01 from having enough weapons-grade uranium
@00:04:20 will not be used to enrich uranium
@00:04:59 to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes
@00:12:16 did the uranium one material and up well
@00:12:33 uranium has a it's called an isotope
@00:13:20 trace that uranium to russia
@00:13:27 propagate this this uranium one story
@00:15:47 uranium want blaming russia on this and
@00:16:49 you know that the uranium came back to
@00:17:07 uranium to iran in syria which remember
@00:17:24 uranium one it gives them
@00:17:36 with russia they wanted this uranium
@00:18:20 which is the uranium one the russia
@00:19:09 kind of like this uranium one deal so we
@00:19:42 this whole uranium one deal and remember
@00:20:04 pathway uranium one now i suppose this
@00:20:07 talking about canada uranium goes up
@00:30:06 uranium connection one connection yeah
@00:30:35 up long enough to enrich this uranium


@00:00:37 post 1306 to find the terms of the iran
@00:00:45 republic of iran what if you ran created
@00:01:23 iran or syria war what does the uranium
@00:01:55 5% shared potus declassify syria iran
@00:03:24 define the terms of the iran nuclear
@00:03:32 iran will sacrifice two-thirds of its
@00:03:48 iaea iran will export all but 300
@00:03:59 be to place iran about 12 months away
@00:04:30 iran will implement the additional
@00:04:39 once the iaea has confirmed that iran
@00:05:03 non-proliferation treaty iran will
@00:05:14 of the iran nuclear deal then q goes on
@00:05:24 republic of iran now i'm not exactly
@00:09:27 iran did create a classified satellite
@00:10:10 could it be north korea iran could it be
@00:10:38 400 million in cash in iran in excuse me
@00:10:41 in cash to iran in unmarked plane obama
@00:10:48 paid them to iran the distinction is
@00:10:59 funding iran directly funds terrorism
@00:11:01 because the iran iranian regime is
@00:12:05 we just said one went to iran i think
@00:12:20 i would assume it ended up in iran syria
@00:17:07 uranium to iran in syria which remember
@00:17:46 stuff to iran korea
@00:20:13 ending up in iran north korea now
@00:20:40 to win there why was the iran deal kept
@00:22:59 netanyahu says iran brazenly lying after
@00:25:39 iran let me take you over here
@00:25:54 nuclear framework agreement with iran
@00:26:09 out before the sanctions against iran
@00:27:05 iran and they are not waiting for the
@00:27:17 iran germany seems to be leading the way
@00:27:22 branches in iran with 1,000 businesses
@00:27:40 services to iran by 2013 that number was
@00:27:48 future with iran the german iranian
@00:28:23 to get back into iran the french have
@00:28:52 iran for a while ok but the real prize
@00:29:02 iran possesses 10 percent of the world's
@00:29:16 are lifted iran hopes to boost
@00:29:23 daily if it had european help iran could
@00:30:02 from france and germany with iran ok
@00:30:04 potus declassified syria and iran plus


@00:02:47 says james comey i don't trust him i

Deep state

@00:19:13 for we could say the deep state or even
@00:25:17 us was bought into this deep state but


@00:02:11 now and then we have this twitter link

false flag

@00:15:17 plan to coincide with a false flag
@00:15:44 and we were talking about a false flag
@00:18:51 in denver plan to coincide with a false
@00:18:54 flag attack on us forces in berlin by

North Korea

@00:10:10 could it be north korea iran could it be
@00:12:24 north korea pakistan is this material
@00:17:46 stuff to iran korea
@00:17:50 excuse me north korea who knows pakistan
@00:20:13 ending up in iran north korea now
@00:20:23 north korea those were the places that
@00:30:39 north korea didn't matter if it was here

Saudi Arabia

@00:24:36 saudi arabia okay and then he went to