Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:09:20 inspector general horowitz at the 11th
@00:09:31 horowitz early on in the investigation


@00:09:55 john durham to lead a separate
@00:09:59 spy gate uh what mr. durham oh we have


@00:07:08 the doctors currently treating rbg and
@00:07:55 drugs are being provided to rbg in order
@00:08:08 of rbg and who is managing her care who

William Barr

@00:09:53 forward since barr appointed us attorney

Deep state

@00:12:46 lower drug prices deal with it deep
@00:12:49 state there it is all these things as


@00:08:36 the twitter account i'll just throw this

Mass arrests

@00:21:53 years of got all these mass arrests

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:01:03 that let us revisit the ruth bader
@00:01:08 ginsburg issue again if for no other
@00:02:11 picked it up and she said that ruth
@00:02:13 bader ginsburg praises brett kavanaugh
@00:05:26 ruth bader ginsburg and experts to
@00:06:12 justice ruth bader ginsburg you can see

Inspector General

@00:09:20 inspector general horowitz at the 11th
@00:09:28 sought by deal g.j inspector general


@00:09:16 developing reluctant witnesses and fisa


@00:11:59 we have trump mexico deal cuts release
@00:12:08 thank you mexico thank you for doing the