Fake News Panic- Wage Attacks On Christians, Trump Supporters

from Truth and Art TV



@00:07:30 the map and this is a strange mixture of

Deep state

@00:01:01 gonna see tonight that the deep state
@00:01:30 wrong look at the deep state for example
@00:02:21 deliberately trolling the deep state not
@00:02:45 gonna talk about in a minute the deep
@00:02:47 state they're fighting for the narrative
@00:11:40 this is just another tactic of the deep
@00:11:42 state in case anyone tries to tell me no
@00:23:09 has since been removed right there deep
@00:23:13 state making a power move on this
@00:23:28 report and they sense deep state stepped


@00:23:38 went to lou dobbs twitter account this

Seth Rich

@00:21:50 seth rich back in 2017 may of 2017 so
@00:22:06 breitbart article fox news seth rich
@00:22:32 and seth rich again may 2017 and it is a
@00:22:36 statement on coverage of seth rich


@00:02:34 that's his underground back