Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 857

from X22Report



@00:16:46 with russia and china and north korea
@00:20:43 reports that china has a ship there and


@00:12:58 missile drill that iran was holding and
@00:13:17 into this location and iran was giving
@00:14:40 united states and police in iran we're
@00:15:06 this was going to cause problems in iran
@00:15:14 difficulty in doing so because what iran
@00:16:08 now they're planning on going after iran
@00:16:49 and iran and syria so be it because we
@00:16:56 cut diplomatic ties with iran over the
@00:17:03 surprised inside iran if the little riot

false flag

@00:09:10 of these false flag events no it
@00:09:17 they were false flag events and we can
@00:18:23 know this is a false flag and they're
@00:23:11 of these countries will push a false
@00:23:16 flag event we know they've been planning

North Korea

@00:16:46 with russia and china and north korea

Saudi Arabia

@00:13:46 shape up this way we see that saudi
@00:13:50 arabia right now has just staged
@00:14:37 saudi arabia takes its orders from the
@00:15:01 already see protests saudi arabia was
@00:16:53 see already that saudi arabia they have
@00:17:17 already that saudi arabia has says this