deleted Corona-Collapse Plays Out, Trump in Danger, Behind the Scenes...

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:11 coronavirus versus america china versus
@00:07:30 now china has also been crushed pretty
@00:07:47 even had recent videos come out in china
@00:09:01 bank of china just printed 79 billion
@00:13:07 propaganda that china bought us time is
@00:13:12 china minimized the threat delayed
@00:13:59 your wealth and china even it's being
@00:14:15 just like china in the poorer parts this
@00:14:45 know kind of say enemy of china i mean
@00:23:32 borders with china we did a lot of
@00:26:43 don't trust china china is asshole i


@00:03:54 or iran and turkey has unleashed a lot


@00:00:11 coronavirus versus america china versus
@00:02:13 circles right now because of coronavirus
@00:03:04 his response to coronavirus which would
@00:03:35 have been a big deal except coronavirus
@00:03:40 coronavirus isn't a big deal i'm
@00:07:44 you know coronavirus as well and we've
@00:13:28 coronavirus death confirmed in india oh
@00:21:54 coronavirus kind of like a cold if you
@00:24:18 the corona virus but it's not trump's
@00:24:59 break to deal with coronavirus this is
@00:26:57 that i love my wife coronavirus lindsey
@00:27:34 coronavirus as i said here we go the

Deep state

@00:00:10 deep state versus president trump
@00:00:39 up the dirty secrets at the deep state
@00:01:10 looking in the mirror plus it deep
@00:01:15 complexion the deep state has its
@00:15:53 deep state move and how much of this is
@00:16:16 within you know deep state moves and
@00:16:41 and forth between cue in the deep state
@00:23:13 deep state and trump there's a lot of


@00:21:38 that's what a lot of people on twitter


@00:19:47 real issues like the poison vaccines or
@00:23:59 that vaccines don't cause autism and of