While American's Were Sleeping The Surveillance State Is Almost Complete - Episode 1241b
from X22Report
uploaded on Mar 29, 2017
@00:19:28 in russia which will then drag in china
@00:10:01 know that george soros and others were
Deep state
@00:13:31 underground japan went out and they
North Korea
@00:11:09 that bad actors like north korea would
@00:11:14 all north korea tried to speak to the
@00:11:17 obama administration north korea tried
@00:11:24 said they want nothing to do with north
@00:11:26 korea now shouldn't we start talking to
@00:12:22 north korea the corporate media and
@00:12:25 governments in south korea or or are all
@00:12:28 out there saying that north korea
@00:12:55 website north korea knows when
@00:13:14 to convince the world that north korea
@00:14:01 is they want to go into north korea they
@00:14:03 want north korea they want to start a
@00:14:07 war and they know if they go into north
@00:14:09 korea this will happen
@00:14:11 and they're trying to provoke north
@00:14:13 korea this is how they work they they do
@00:19:31 which will then bring in north korea
@00:20:30 maybe trump and then north korea cyber