deleted Lee Stranahan is a Pedophile Apologist, Fake Maga Paytriot who relies on MSM Deception Tricks

from Dustin Nemos



@00:01:44 debate he challenged me to a twitter
@00:03:45 for you challenged me to a twitter
@00:07:00 twitter compared to most of these guys
@00:07:03 hard on q on twitter and their social


@00:01:11 position that podesta was a pedophile
@00:01:19 lee stranahan is a pedophile apologist
@00:01:21 alright a pedophile apologist and
@00:02:58 i'm a pedophile for talking about these
@00:06:29 tried to imply as a pedophile and you


@00:01:51 then my first proof you know i waited a
@00:02:31 you issued to one proof per day so even
@00:06:36 not the proof presented to me are you
@00:06:40 presented me with the proof that i
@00:06:44 is that proof of anything is that too
@00:07:52 proof is that you believe in cue and on