Trump Just Projected Into The Future, Did You Catch It - Episode 1780b

from X22Report



@00:04:52 he is involved in the uranium one deal


@00:17:54 know epstein island haiti north korea

Human trafficking

@00:09:46 human trafficking and the rest because
@00:17:50 human trafficking and the rest and there


@00:26:39 intelligence on iran north korea isis


@00:01:32 was talking about rbg and he said
@00:01:39 since december where he hopes rbg gets
@00:30:12 we know that rbg well she went into
@00:30:33 trump hasn't tweeted anything about rbg
@00:31:18 everyone that he hopes rbg is healthy


@00:09:46 human trafficking and the rest because
@00:17:50 human trafficking and the rest and there


@00:25:25 and we can see it by the way brennan is
@00:25:34 troll john brennan attack trump over the
@00:25:41 will be done about comey brennan clapper
@00:25:46 is what brennan was replying to if roger
@00:25:52 what about lying done by comey brennan
@00:26:04 weiners laptop much more so brennan he
@00:26:53 brennan is projecting because he is the
@00:27:15 before the intelligence panel brennan
@00:27:27 brennan also swore that he did not know
@00:27:50 gate brennan plus gchq brennan plus
@00:27:54 fusion cell plus obama briefs brennan
@00:27:57 plus struck an ica brennan plus
@00:28:01 brennan plus harry reid pressuring comey
@00:28:04 brennan plus nellie or and on and on and
@00:28:07 on brennan is scared he knows what's


@00:20:54 leaked and james comey little adam shit
@00:25:41 will be done about comey brennan clapper
@00:25:52 what about lying done by comey brennan
@00:28:01 brennan plus harry reid pressuring comey

Deep state

@00:00:48 we've seen what the deep state is
@00:04:30 know why the deep state did this we know
@00:05:33 for the deep state operatives that
@00:05:48 remember at the deep state has been in
@00:08:54 back and we can see that the deep state
@00:09:42 it's to stop the deep state drug running
@00:10:41 how the deep state operates they are
@00:15:38 these years the deep state has been
@00:15:44 countries all the deep state actors
@00:16:31 overtook the deep state operatives now
@00:16:37 intelligence organizations the deep
@00:16:39 state what they tried to do is they
@00:18:32 up the deep state around the world
@00:21:36 deep state
@00:23:17 the deep state trump is waking people up
@00:24:18 deep state two enemies really so let's


@00:25:30 out now former cia chief turned twitter

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:30:39 wishing supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:30:41 ginsburg a full and speedy recovery but
@00:30:55 trump wished supreme court justice ruth
@00:30:59 bader ginsburg good health and said it
@00:32:32 supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:32:34 ginsburg good health and said it was

North Korea

@00:17:54 know epstein island haiti north korea
@00:26:39 intelligence on iran north korea isis

Saudi Arabia

@00:16:18 now very interestingly saudi arabia they
@00:16:28 saudi arabia there was a coup and they
@00:17:24 alice and wonderland hillary and saudi
@00:17:28 arabia references hillary clinton in
@00:17:30 wonderland by lewis carroll saudi arabia
@00:17:46 saudi arabia access closed to pedophilia
@00:18:04 was happening saudi arabia they arrested