Jan 7 AMA

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:29:32 indictments and boots that can't make up
@00:31:01 indictments and we have lots of stuff


@00:13:09 here what happened two sessions has he

Deep state

@00:07:40 operation against the deep state right
@00:51:39 let's see ufo false flag event deep
@00:51:42 state coming kind of already have seen


@00:21:27 twitter handle for anonymous scandinavia
@00:21:35 here on twitter and i'll go check it out
@00:50:00 twitter or facebook after this but the


@00:14:09 definitely am outspoken on vaccines and
@00:17:42 more questioning as vaccines man we


@00:00:30 hey travis what up scotty

false flag

@00:40:10 hologram technology be used in a false
@00:40:13 flag and you might have heard of this
@00:51:39 let's see ufo false flag event deep
@00:51:45 the false flag beginning to be set up
@00:52:07 of phase two of false flag disclosure


@00:09:08 mockingbird i would argue more so cnn
@00:09:18 cbs and those are a lot more mockingbird