The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies - Episode 1656b

from X22Report



@00:22:19 ends final did anthony kennedy have a


@00:25:51 kyle named to succeed john mccain in the
@00:26:26 i'm am toe we d tweeted out john mccain
@00:26:43 jihadists like senator mccain and we
@00:26:47 mccain he was in pictures with the paid
@00:27:25 very very desperate and again mccain is
@00:28:43 read from imam toey d about john mccain
@00:29:08 this individual that replaced mccain and
@00:29:25 knew that mccain would be gone before


@00:21:53 and uranium to china russia example one


@00:21:53 and uranium to china russia example one
@00:23:58 187 uranium one fun supply iran north
@00:34:02 gradually assumed control of uranium 1
@00:34:14 uranium one's chairman used his family
@00:34:39 majority stake in uranium one mr.


@00:17:56 iran russia or anyone pakistan anyone
@00:23:58 187 uranium one fun supply iran north


@00:24:08 nasa prevents space domination allowed


@00:15:37 brennan they can go over to those


@00:14:36 encryption and we know from james comey
@00:14:45 and james comey was out there in front

Deep state

@00:01:44 deep state they're going to be putting
@00:07:08 harder and harder for the deep state to
@00:14:24 now the deep state they are fighting
@00:20:36 deep state is hiding out the paid
@00:20:58 involved because the deep state try
@00:25:03 was there and in control in the deep
@00:25:06 state was in control these things would
@00:33:39 give it to the deep state so it might


@00:13:27 hearings with executives from twitter
@00:25:30 one is twitter this is from doug ducey
@00:28:15 twitter re-engages shadow banning across
@00:28:23 which is a twitter link from breaking
@00:28:26 9-1-1 and it says you know twitter
@00:39:35 creation of random twitter trolls that

false flag

@00:01:51 they might even use a false flag of some
@00:14:44 we're having all these false flag events
@00:20:28 bombing the area and if there is a false
@00:20:30 flag a chemical attack the us is going

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:22:29 evidence was he shown ruth bader
@00:22:32 ginsburg replacement lifetime


@00:01:27 fisa and maybe even the entire ig report
@00:05:50 signed off on the fisa warrant now when
@00:06:19 rule it is the 1978 fisa act

North Korea

@00:23:58 187 uranium one fun supply iran north
@00:24:03 korea brackets reduce us capacity kill
@00:39:26 and i believe had north korea pictures

Five Eyes

@00:14:29 know that they use the five eyes to spy
@00:15:12 time being now the five eyes which is a
@00:17:01 cooperate voluntarily the five eyes have