"Archive OFFLINE immediately "- Q on Pelosi Admission

from Truth and Art TV



@00:18:30 you know mccain or one of those guys

Las Vegas

@00:23:05 seth rich in las vegas q says rich


@00:07:05 replacements for sessions
@00:07:10 proposed replacing jeff sessions with
@00:07:32 sessions is investigating slush fund
@00:07:38 story who says attorney general sessions
@00:09:10 if trump were to replace sessions would
@00:09:20 should trump decide that sessions is
@00:09:25 sessions and it's time to move on so
@00:12:14 sessions big players are stepping up

Deep state

@00:03:44 the deep state operative that was
@00:04:41 this deep state operative failed in his
@00:04:48 the ears for the deep state against
@00:04:55 the deep state against trump here it is
@00:05:32 should be surprised by this as the deep
@00:05:34 state is always these underground trolls
@00:06:08 the criminal deep state governor of
@00:06:21 him to make this deep state operative
@00:09:51 with deep state people this is an
@00:20:57 assad holding this deep state operative

Seth Rich

@00:23:05 seth rich in las vegas q says rich
@00:23:23 estimate it flowing open of the seth
@00:23:27 rich murder will happen in june we shall


@00:03:00 one being a delta jet having to make an
@00:05:08 question mark delta engine fire


@00:05:34 state is always these underground trolls

North Korea

@00:15:21 pelosi sparked at mitts travel to north
@00:15:24 korea archive immediately they have they
@00:15:36 admitting her connections to north korea
@00:16:24 when i went to in north korea
@00:16:54 intelligence connections and north korea
@00:17:13 regarding intel true trip to north korea
@00:17:21 official to visit north korea since they
@00:18:06 yeah buying and selling in north korea


@00:20:43 show you the proof of that this
@00:23:46 proof that q's of siam that's what these