Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup - Episode 1986b

from X22Report



@00:22:08 it orchestrated ambush comey mccabe she


@00:19:13 durham will be interviewing him now this


@00:14:03 kennedy republican from louisiana he


@00:05:05 just china
@00:09:30 ukraine and china it's many other
@00:16:45 now brought in china and other countries
@00:17:24 they scam just like they scammed china
@00:17:34 probably why china so many years has had
@00:17:38 a sweetheart deal with china rips off
@00:17:47 probably why china has such a sweetheart
@00:26:59 something about biden in china oh wait i


@00:23:34 epstein because that would be a shame


@00:00:42 episode is panic sets in for brennan
@00:19:04 well brennan is panicking you know the
@00:19:27 about to be wrapped up brennan said he
@00:19:54 brennan they're not looking at the
@00:26:43 going to brennan then they're gonna go


@00:22:08 it orchestrated ambush comey mccabe she

William Barr

@00:20:47 general william barr in early june
@00:20:55 trump she informed bar that she intended
@00:21:10 including for barr to replace the
@00:21:22 cindy powell's letter to bar one
@00:22:37 bar sd my free flynn yeah it's going to

Deep state

@00:01:27 geopolitical news now the deep state
@00:02:51 house the ds the deep state they decided
@00:06:42 hunter and you now the deep state that
@00:09:00 ukraine and this was pushed by the deep
@00:09:04 state players and then all the deep
@00:09:07 state players went in and they started
@00:16:57 one of the deep state players so the
@00:18:00 going down and guess what the other deep
@00:18:03 state players they are going down but
@00:25:26 the deep state who would start a war oh
@00:25:28 that would be the deep state who would
@00:25:37 stuff oh that would be the deep state
@00:26:16 the deep state they are panicking they
@00:26:35 finger at all the deep state players on


@00:18:49 falsified fisa warrants that they lied
@00:20:08 who signed off on the fisa warrants who


@00:24:17 at the us-mexico border in the spring


@00:20:34 let's move on to flynn right now and it
@00:20:40 for flynn and sidney powell cine powell
@00:20:51 targeted flynn for concocted and
@00:21:03 resolution to the flynn case if the
@00:21:17 the first investigation of general flynn
@00:22:26 flynn goes free let's go back to post 33
@00:22:37 bar sd my free flynn yeah it's going to
@00:22:42 it's going to free flynn


@00:07:31 messages proof of highly illegal

Timothy Holmseth

@00:23:02 west hollywood home he was indicted and
@00:23:12 deaths of timothy dean in january and