The [DS] Army Has Been Defeated, Anons Knew, It’s All About To Change - Episode 1745b

from X22Report



@00:19:29 until iran and it's proxies depart


@00:06:34 revealed brennan no name coordination to


@00:03:02 james comey it looks like he's getting
@00:03:05 now because comey in a house testimony
@00:03:53 session comey repeated the offs stated
@00:04:05 opposed to trump mr. comey testified i
@00:04:41 course now a reporter asked james comey
@00:06:22 equals truth revealed comey hillary


@00:20:28 work behind the scenes sessions was a

Deep state

@00:00:41 episode is the deep state army has been
@00:01:30 blow to the deep state today everyone
@00:01:57 paid mercenary armed forces of the deep
@00:02:00 state so in we could safe about this
@00:02:02 whole thing is that the deep state army
@00:02:11 deep state they've been trying for many
@00:06:54 is talking now it seems that the deep
@00:06:59 state they are moving against trump's
@00:15:41 islamic state is the paid mercenary army
@00:15:44 of the deep state this is how it worked
@00:17:33 the deep state paid mercenary army this
@00:17:38 now the deep state is stuck because
@00:17:44 islamic state in syria we've defeated
@00:17:46 the deep state army in syria that was my
@00:18:17 done because the reign of the deep state
@00:18:34 deep state or the central bank system
@00:19:14 again he needs certain neocons and deep
@00:19:17 state players because he needs to keep
@00:21:58 process of destroying the deep state


@00:13:50 happening to facebook google twitter


@00:06:36 frame potus fisa equal start fisa brings


@00:09:01 long-promised wall along the us-mexico
@00:09:23 mexico is paying indirectly for the wall