China Warns US, It Has Begun Dumping Treasuries - Episode 751a

from X22Report



@00:00:39 and the title this episode is china
@00:05:28 worse i mean china right now they're
@00:05:36 the gold will be the winner now china
@00:05:44 past two weeks alone china has sold a
@00:05:54 currency regime china has sold as much
@00:06:02 first half of the year china is warning
@00:06:16 to happen so china had dumped a record
@00:06:24 belgium china has likely sold somewhere
@00:06:33 this is absolutely true china has
@00:07:10 happens when china liquidates all of its
@00:08:18 to infinity never ending and china right
@00:08:39 and they're going to use china right now
@00:20:19 country which is china china's economy
@00:20:24 china is to blame for all the ills of
@00:23:28 an ounce why do you think china and