deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

from prayingmedic



@00:14:01 comments made by andrew mccabe in his
@00:18:02 anons knew beforehand before mccabe made
@00:21:16 meeting then q writes today think mccabe
@00:21:24 mccabe second-in-command at the fbi when
@00:21:29 mccabe interview regarding the meeting
@00:22:07 mccabe it looks like we're going to


@00:02:01 apparently took place in china it's the
@00:04:55 city street in chungking china by the
@00:05:47 china a city that q has referred to many
@00:08:09 china earlier today thanks q for all you
@00:20:04 alerted probably our partners in china


@00:10:37 exposed prevent regarding uranium one
@00:10:48 to the disclosure about the uranium one
@00:10:52 deal and sending uranium covertly to


@00:10:39 and iran so q has suggested that the cia
@00:10:54 iran to help

William Barr

@00:11:27 a lot of people feel that william bar
@00:11:41 the department of justice bar was
@00:11:52 mulla reports to bar in brackets we have
@00:11:55 come in weeks q bar has been activated
@00:12:40 possible on the same day that bar is
@00:16:09 day that liam bar was confirmed as a new
@00:22:24 bar is going to have and exposing that

Deep state

@00:02:41 deep state it could be who knows one of
@00:13:51 crimes of the deep state all right
@00:14:25 it was a coup by the deep state to try
@00:20:25 serious situation if the deep state
@00:22:18 deep state to house to president trump
@00:24:54 assumed that she was dead in the deep
@00:24:56 state was trying to hide this fact to


@00:16:28 jack jack dorsey they ceo of twitter
@00:22:42 on twitter named seven flamingos noticed

false flag

@00:16:51 days false flag attempts may be carried
@00:25:31 out for false flags i don't know that
@00:25:33 this is a false flag operation but that

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:24:07 the next post from q is about ruth bader
@00:24:11 ginsburg and the report that she
@00:24:19 previous drop about ruth bader ginsburg
@00:24:43 with ruth bader ginsburg i don't know
@00:25:00 fer the president now that we see ruth
@00:25:02 bader ginsburg is alive mainstream media
@00:25:13 dead and nons did ruth bader ginsburg
@00:25:22 original post that he had about ruth
@00:25:25 bader ginsburg and q reposted that it is

North Korea

@00:18:46 canada route to north korea


@00:24:51 pushing for proof of life and many
@00:25:08 she's not this is proof q is a fake