[DS] Tries To Out Maneuver Trump, This Will Fail - Episode 1869a

from X22Report



@00:03:09 to work rework a trade deal with china
@00:03:47 china to wait don't make a deal is this
@00:10:13 tariffs for leverage on the china trade
@00:10:31 of why he tweeted this out china is
@00:10:40 ripping off america now china they
@00:10:51 said that china backed off a little bit
@00:12:39 to make a deal with china they don't


@00:03:33 iran multiple times while trump was
@00:11:50 have john kerry out in iran telling iran

William Barr

@00:01:11 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

Deep state

@00:00:42 the thought of the episode is deep state
@00:01:30 deep state they are going to try to stop
@00:01:51 deep state the central bank they're
@00:02:57 wasn't that difficult because the deep
@00:02:59 state the central bank's have been doing
@00:03:21 deep state they are pushing their agenda
@00:09:53 deep state the central banks have been
@00:12:11 right now remember at the deep state
@00:12:14 they're deep and wide and these people
@00:13:51 from the deep state remember the swamp
@00:14:58 the deep state tried to do is going to