Dec 19 News Update

from prayingmedic



@00:02:03 without any glitches andrew mccabe
@00:02:08 andrew mccabe did appear at his herring
@00:02:47 they're going to prosecute andrew mccabe
@00:04:54 counterintelligence and to andrew mccabe
@00:05:14 mccabe and strock sit on this
@00:05:41 andrew mccabe and struck didn't want to
@00:06:05 weiners laptop now struck and mccabe had
@00:20:19 mccabe is in front of the house


@00:35:54 intelligence agencies to get his iran
@00:36:02 community to spy on the iran deals
@00:40:09 and furious and the iran deal and all


@00:28:54 the wrong side of brennan and clapper so
@00:31:35 he knew what exactly what brennan and


@00:03:13 james comey and the email investigation
@00:03:27 comey
@00:04:17 reported on what was going on with comey
@00:06:01 a staff meeting comey finds out about
@00:06:12 didn't tell co me and comey panics and
@00:07:38 emails but they didn't tell comey about
@00:40:37 because as long as comey
@00:52:19 comey briefs him and obama about it


@00:17:06 why people think that jeff sessions is


@00:02:30 twitter who i follow who reports on all
@00:26:17 on twitter named stealth jeff his
@00:26:21 twitter handle is draw and strike it's
@00:26:32 lot of threads on twitter and he put


@00:09:22 maycomb county saginaw delta county


@00:15:40 it kind of ties the dc pedophile rings
@00:15:50 whole thing as the pedophile rings there
@00:18:29 you turn in a pedophile to the fbi and
@00:20:55 pedophile rings now here's here's what i

Inspector General

@00:38:43 the the inspector general has looking

Pizza gate

@00:15:32 you do an update on pizza gate
@00:15:37 term pizza gate is unfortunate because
@00:15:43 into these this pizza place in dc and i


@00:38:34 nsa and the fisa courts because they all
@00:38:38 fisa courts have been weaponized
@00:38:48 been looking at the fisa court abuses
@00:38:57 surveillance through the fisa court is
@00:49:57 so they take their information to fisa


@00:27:45 background on general flynn
@00:27:47 general flynn career military director
@00:28:24 flynn does not like political
@00:28:26 correctness flynn hated that he thought
@00:28:39 so flynn and obama never got along on
@00:28:42 that on those issues and flynn pushed
@00:28:48 obama wanted so no surprise that flynn
@00:29:13 flynn makes contact with president trump
@00:29:23 flynn at the convention and he gave a
@00:29:36 thought it was weird right but and flynn
@00:29:40 being a democrat and flynn being really
@00:29:51 like flynn come to his the the the
@00:30:07 flynn must have seen something in trunk
@00:30:25 problems that exist its flynn flynn and
@00:30:36 so flynn would have had great knowledge
@00:30:46 under bush right flynn had all the
@00:30:50 information like rogers right so flynn
@00:31:00 flynn had to come to jesus meeting with
@00:31:29 get elected or getting a peach flynn i
@00:31:45 council flynn knew what they were doing
@00:31:51 pair flynn with mike rogers nsa those
@00:39:14 with flynn and trump they know they

Saudi Arabia

@00:21:05 went to saudi arabia they made very
@00:21:37 kushner goes to saudi arabia and shortly
@00:21:40 thereafter a whole bunch of saudi
@00:22:33 puppet masters in saudi arabia who are
@00:22:43 soon as the saudi princes were gone all