deleted Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid19) Updates - US Quarantining Citizens NOW! How bad is it REALLY?

from Dustin Nemos



@00:03:29 on in china where many citizens are even
@00:04:49 i think the car industry in china right
@00:04:57 of manufacturing that happens in china
@00:05:22 in china will affect the entire world so
@00:05:39 also have china supposedly
@00:07:00 expert from china but i want to talk a
@00:07:08 is the hey china even though they're
@00:07:10 part of china warns that the outbreak


@00:00:06 wuhan coronavirus which apparently is a
@00:03:00 corona viruses are not even really as
@00:07:05 coronavirus expert from hong kong which

Deep state

@00:00:37 and detoxification against the deep
@00:00:39 state attacks on your health it's red