The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

from X22Report



@00:40:25 think about what huber and horowitz have


@00:39:12 mccabe struck page or fisa dirty dossier
@00:40:21 everyone comey mccabe struck page and


@00:19:32 clowns revealed in china other 2010
@00:19:54 china hacked hillary rodham clinton
@00:22:45 of a new york times article china cia
@00:22:52 killing cia informants china crippled us
@00:24:05 china hugh said mortified question mark
@00:24:45 spy equals bridge to china a
@00:25:07 china pay-for-play access let's move on
@00:29:56 secrets now china made backdoors into
@00:30:02 our military electronics between china
@00:31:30 out of the united states and into china
@00:33:34 propaganda to demonize russia and china
@00:33:49 events but they wanted to bring china up
@00:34:10 be china and everything would be moved
@00:39:03 got hacked by china next move better be
@00:47:45 access and secrets to china and other


@00:12:59 steel dossier with uranium one the


@00:08:54 happening out in iran iran's supreme


@00:21:08 crowdstrike crowdstrike managed the


@00:15:53 high school killer wore antifa


@00:25:48 james comey and robert mueller
@00:39:09 after all of their other missteps comey
@00:40:21 everyone comey mccabe struck page and


@00:37:43 dear attorney general sessions and
@00:38:35 breitbart turley sessions using utah
@00:38:46 the investigation sessions is sitting
@00:38:48 back and trump and sessions are
@00:40:30 and sessions did this right off the bat

Deep state

@00:01:04 episode is that deep state in total
@00:04:57 and we know that the deep state they
@00:07:47 the deep state wanted to have regime
@00:07:51 countries and when the deep state was
@00:08:02 once the deep state is being removed
@00:12:10 to break down for the deep state think
@00:12:31 and destroy the last remaining deep
@00:12:34 state-paid mercenary army and their
@00:19:07 deep state operatives we're gonna go
@00:29:31 have to remember what the deep state the
@00:31:44 2001 when we had 9/11 allowed the deep
@00:31:49 state the central bankers to go into


@00:20:57 post 1959 cue put up a twitter feed and
@00:37:20 put up donald trump twitter what are the
@00:38:56 put a link to trump's twitter feed and

Red october

@00:19:18 rally brackets bold red october

Inspector General

@00:37:43 dear attorney general sessions and
@00:37:46 the attorney-general rosenstein as you
@00:37:49 know the department of justice inspector
@00:37:50 general currently is reviewing the
@00:38:29 inspector general and huber reviewing


@00:34:47 fisa on carter page and q says bigger
@00:35:37 said you burr was looking into fisa
@00:36:09 submitted to the fi sc to obtain fisa
@00:36:31 order to obtain the warrants fisa
@00:38:06 fisa warned against former trump
@00:39:12 mccabe struck page or fisa dirty dossier

North Korea

@00:10:38 afghanistan just like in north korea and
@00:12:14 north korea a peace deal was made yes i


@00:45:12 threat assessment admiral rogers flynn
@00:46:24 assessment and more rogers flynn this
@00:46:46 head of the nsa and general flynn former


@00:35:30 huber
@00:37:13 plan huber has everything let's move on
@00:38:29 inspector general and huber reviewing
@00:38:43 out of all this is huber is doing all
@00:40:25 think about what huber and horowitz have

Saudi Arabia

@00:10:19 we also see saudi arabia right now is