deleted 5.20.2020 - Lynette Zang and Dustin Nemos discuss Economic Fallout of Covid19, This Isn't Over Yet.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:01:18 can start with china because just passed
@00:01:46 china whether you're chinese company or
@00:02:36 funnel money into china so now when
@00:02:58 there's going to be exposure to china so
@00:04:13 so this peace between the us and china
@00:04:37 china flooding the market well yeah
@00:20:32 finding in china china was the first one
@00:20:37 china but they're finding that the covin
@00:21:05 will say it's interesting that china
@00:21:34 in china then i have this bridge in
@00:21:41 anything coming out of china or even our
@00:23:02 the way china who had very aggressively
@00:23:32 for is when excuse me when china starts
@00:23:52 it on china as an excuse to just kick
@00:23:55 china out and decouple and nullify their


@00:05:33 we've seen through this coronavirus is
@00:07:38 before coronavirus started the simple
@00:12:03 one stay called it coronavirus fraud in
@00:16:07 until the coronavirus is we're pointing
@00:16:11 the finger so hard at that coronavirus
@00:22:51 and now the coronavirus is getting all
@00:23:50 coronavirus and president trump blaming
@00:24:53 didn't start the moment that corona

Deep state

@00:22:03 safe i mean that the the deep state