Dems Go Into Full Meltdown Over Barr's Testimony- Pass the Popcorn!!!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:01:27 horowitz on the issue of the fisa


@00:15:48 now you know they're calling out china

William Barr

@00:02:00 bombers william bar talking about yeah
@00:02:20 william bar is thinking you know he's
@00:04:06 right bar testifies spine did occur on
@00:04:41 general bill barr testified wednesday
@00:05:24 that is what barr is saying before the
@00:05:58 obvious william bar has this has to say
@00:06:23 bar drops bomb on democrats trump was
@00:06:45 senate democrats demand bill barr
@00:06:59 bar sent democrats there stenographers
@00:07:20 accused bill bar of spreading conspiracy
@00:07:29 demanded bar retract his statement or
@00:07:59 dick blumenthal also a tactful bar on
@00:08:23 these headlines pelosi barr is going off
@00:08:36 attorney general barr is going off the
@00:08:57 after william bar they don't care that
@00:18:10 whole thing with william barr testifying

Deep state

@00:06:26 spied on by obama deep state during

Inspector General

@00:01:04 citizen the office of the inspector
@00:01:10 general has a pending investigation of
@00:01:24 some answers from inspector general
@00:02:03 i'm told the officer office of inspector
@00:02:07 general reports will be ready between


@00:00:28 these two lie to congress and the fisa
@00:01:00 predicate for a fisa order on a us
@00:01:12 the fisa process in in the russian
@00:01:27 horowitz on the issue of the fisa