Judge Show Trial Comments Against Flynn Excites MSM ... As The Plan Rolls On!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:14:04 move on yeah says here meadows comey
@00:14:23 released transcript of comey seconds
@00:14:36 fisa gate comey was defiant and refused
@00:15:17 said to comey referring to omitting
@00:15:25 comey responded by saying who cares it
@00:15:36 metal said i asked director comey about

Deep state

@00:02:11 deep state is putting out propaganda and


@00:02:31 take a look tonight at the trump twitter
@00:03:19 about facebook and twitter and google
@00:19:59 of the democrat told a woman on twitter


@00:14:36 fisa gate comey was defiant and refused
@00:15:52 americans with a fisa warrant right


@00:03:09 flynn hoping you know says here will be
@00:06:22 michael flynn and you think that the
@00:07:10 general flynn and talking big this whole
@00:07:45 flynn and it just goes on it didn't even
@00:07:53 on michael flynn after abusing him in
@00:09:22 was set to issue flynn sentence somebody
@00:09:55 article flynn is also cooperating in a
@00:11:08 says general michael flynn and his wife
@00:11:21 is the one offering flynn to postpone
@00:11:51 judge giving flynn time to think about
@00:11:54 it and when flynn returned his lawyers
@00:12:13 says here general front flynn backed off
@00:12:23 general flynn doing this what do the
@00:12:36 flynn on the turkish lobbying case
@00:12:44 sullivan said then said to general flynn