Clock Ticks On Nancy As Trump, Graham Hint At Big Move Coming!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:20:52 of america george soros we were talking

William Barr

@00:11:17 we already know this story bill bar in
@00:11:41 barr uncovering this it's happening this

Deep state

@00:00:44 and evil and everything that the deep
@00:00:47 state and the left is all about we're
@00:12:54 of the deep state and by the way this
@00:12:57 deep state operation this was they're


@00:22:48 twitter it really made and the grand
@00:22:59 of your listeners and twitter followers
@00:25:30 like that see you folks on twitter don't
@00:25:34 on twitter and don't forget to get if


@00:08:31 where is she doing this that's mexico
@00:08:39 to get to that mexico border camp to
@00:08:52 mexico to do this she drove or flew or
@00:09:16 went straight to the mexico side of